Boost maize with EfficieNt 28 Foliar Nitrogen

Maize growth with EfficieNt 28 Foliar Nitrogen

After the long dry spring, How much of your Maize seed bed applied Nitrogen will still be there after this recent rain?

This really ought to be the year to apply EfficieNt 28 to assure Maize has enough Nitrogen in August.

Maize needs some 50% of its total Nitrogen requirement from the 8 leaf stage to tassling, with a further 35% needed for cob fill during August to September.

Potential loses of seed bed applied Nitrogen after this recent heavy rain may leave the crop short of Nitrogen during these essential stages of growth resulting in translocation of Nitrogen from the leaves to the grain sites and loss of green leaf. To address this issue, we recommend 25kg/ha applications of EfficieNt 28 at the 8 leaf stage to give yield lifts 3 to 5 tonnes per acre fresh weight over untreated crops, without delaying harvest dates.

In a nutshell…

  • 5 x the efficiency of soil applied Nitrogen

  • Nearly 100% Uptake

  • Low volume application

  • Scorch free

  • Leach free

  • Can be tank mixed with most fungicides

  • Sticker and anti drift benefits

  • Contains plant friendly amide Nitrogen which promotes higher sugar levels and reduces the risk of crop lodging

  • Pushes higher yields

Visit our Foliar page for more information -

We have many years of yield trial data to testify the growth performance and are now conducting environmental trials to measure the effect on groundwater Nitrogen against traditional bagged Nitrogen.
