The Crystalyx Early Discount Rate offer is back and is effective until November 2nd!
This EDR discount applies to all full pallets delivered direct to farm during the EDR period.
Give our office a call for more information and prices - 01444 242131
Crystalyx works best when forage availability is good. Crystalyx stimulates the Rumen bugs to work a little harder and more efficiently to allow animals to perform better from a forage based diet.
But how does Crystalyx perform during periods of poor grass availability?
When grass availability is poor, such as the very dry conditions we have currently, the farmer has 2 options available to try to maintain animal performance:
He can feed straw or another conserved forage, as a forage supplement at grass
He can feed a little supplementary concentrate at grass
Currently in the UK grass availability is poor - and what grass is available is likely to be of low digestibility – offering Crystalyx alongside a supplementary forage or concentrate source will significantly and economically improve animal performance. And feeding Crystalyx will ensure that the rumen bugs are able to improve the digestibility and nutrient release from what little grass is available, so the stock make best possible use of it.
And perhaps equally important, keep growing animals and replacement heifers maintaining their target growth rates to achieve a suitable mating weight by 15 months of age, so they can be served to calve down at 24 month.
Feeding Crystalyx may not solve all the problems associated with poor grass availability – but it does take some licking!
We stock the entire range of Crystalyx at our Sotuhdown Store, this includes -
- Sheep Extra High Energy
- Sheep & Beef Standard
- Cattle High Mag
- Pre-Calver
- Optimum
- Cattle Booster
- Calflyx Easy Breather
- Garlyx
- Organyx Plus
- Organyx Garlic